Sunday, October 11, 2020

Chickens Join the Crew

We've added chickens to our animal kingdom!  We decided in  February (just before the Covid-19 pandemic) to raise chickens for fresh eggs. Our first crew arrived in March. When we ordered, they only had "straight runs" available. This is a mixture of male and female chicks. We ended up having 2 roosters. 

First day at home

While we've never had chickens before, we made sure we read up on them before taking this on. Already they showed us they had unique personalities. They had two favorite things to do while they were this little. First, they loved running and hopping around their container (brooder). Second, they loved climbing and sleeping on each other.

 I was worried at first because I've read they do this if they are cold. So we checked the brooder temperature, and it was right where it should be -- 95 degrees. Each week we lowered the temperature until they were ready to leave their brooder.

Yummy grass treats

A few months later, we chose to add to our flock. I was fascinated with this breed called Green Queens. Green Queens is a type of Easter Egger chickens (chickens that are not part of any other breed and lay blue, green, or olive-colored eggs).  In late June, our flock was complete. 


With our first group of chickens, our two roosters quickly began the pecking order.  Phantom and Kass get along very well. Phantom is more laid back and Kass is a very strong-willed, stubborn, protective rooster. 


We are definitely learning all about chickens. Stay tuned for more on our Green Queens.


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